How to get rid of decay toothache quicker?
Question: Hi, I'm 25 years old and my right lower jaw is often aching. Increased pain frequency and longer duration. In three teeth, one tooth in the middle is deep in the chewing surface. Do not know if this is in the tooth. But if it is due to tooth decay, why are two teeth hurt? Ask your doctor for advice and tell you how to get rid of toothache fastest? Sincerely thank the doctor!
(Kim Chi - Hai Phong)
Tooth Decay - Causes and Prevention
Signs that you are about to have a tooth decay
Welcome to Kim Chi! Thank you for your trust and sharing with us. For questions "How to get rid of toothache faster?", We would like to answer as follows:
Deep cavity pain is very easy to understand. Since the tooth is deeper to a certain extent, dentin and pulp will be affected by irregular stimulation. Sometimes it causes painful pain to spread even to the alveolar bone. You will feel pain not only in the tooth but also in the jaw and adjacent teeth.
In many cases, only one tooth is present, but when it is painful, it can feel pain in one side of the jaw. Your case is similar, the pain has created a pulse diffuse so it is painful to 3 teeth even if the teeth are not worm. If you want to get rid of toothache that needs to be treated with a deep tooth before it can cut the pain for all three teeth.
How to get rid of decay toothache?
The best way to cure toothache is to treat it with specialized methods. As only topical treatments can affect the cause of toothache.
Your case of toothache is most likely due to tooth decay. But there are other causes that if you do not go to the dentist can not be sure. With the cause of tooth decay, it is imperative to treat decay thoroughly. Only in this way can cutting off the most painful toothache.
If you do not have conditions to cure tooth decay so when the toothache should do? Temporarily take some of the pain relief by common measures such as biting hot garlic, hot ginger, betel leaves, hydrated salt or warm massage combined massage operations ... However, note that this Only a temporary means of pain relief, no long-term value for the treatment of toothache and tooth decay thoroughly. Toothache must do absolutely correct to go to the dentist and doctors treatment.
Many cases of toothache lasted for many years only after seeing the doctor and treatment. The best way to know exactly the cause and treatment that is directly to the Dental Center for doctors to consult and timely treatment.
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