Frequently asked questions about braces?
The braces do not seriously affect the dental health. However, this is a long-term program for several years, requiring patients to have persistence, determination, adherence to treatment procedures, doctor collaboration and regular follow-up visits. Also, during the braces patients have many instruments in the mouth should pay special attention to proper oral hygiene, careful, careful with special brush to avoid gingivitis and tooth decay.
Frequently Asked Questions on Braces?
Editing the teeth between the chanting is the best?
1. What are the methods of braces?
There are two basic methods:
Orthopedic or non-surgical methods. Include:
Removable tools and functional tools: removable and fit for everyday use (in simple cases), suitable for children aged 6-12 with multiple teeth instead of having both teeth and permanent teeth, helping to prevent and treat bad habits affecting the teeth and jaw.
Prevent the phenomenon of tooth picking, hammering, harsh. However, this device is quite bulky, the treatment is longer than the braces and can only be applied in some simple cases.
The results and methods may vary depending on the individual's condition
Fixed device with braces: attached to teeth when treated, only removed at the end of treatment, can be made of metal or aesthetic materials such as porcelain, composite. This device can be attached on the outside (lip fixation, cheek) or inside (tongue fixation). This device is applicable to all people over 12 years of age with permanent teeth.
In addition, there are now no braces: the inner plastic tray is also called Invisalign, suitable for adults who need more exposure to the public as singers and actors. However, this device is usually indicated in simple cases.
The results and methods may vary depending on the individual's condition
Surgical correction method: Suitable for subjects with complete development of the skull, usually over the age of 18 years and there are many deviations not only of the teeth but also the jaw bone, Too much or too little that conventional braces do not improve.
2. What to do when braces cause pain, besides, lips, cheeks and tongue feel uncomfortable?
Usually when the device is worn, the patient feels uncomfortable, sometimes the pain comes from contact with the lips, cheeks and tongue. This feeling usually goes away in the first few weeks when the patient is fit. Therefore, the doctor needs to spend time explaining before the patient, and take appropriate measures such as:
- To prolong the instrument life, a device should be attached every week to allow the patient to adapt slowly before the next gas, avoiding all instruments at once.
- Instruct the patient to use a disposable material such as a soft wax to cover the braces.
- Instruct the patient to take pain medicine if needed.
The results and methods may vary depending on the individual's condition
3. Unfortunately, when the metal wire of the brace pokes at the cheek or breaks and protrudes from its position, how should we handle it?
In cases where the orthodontic device can not be poked into the cheek, wet cotton can be applied to the area to prevent direct contact of the device with the cheek area to relieve immediate discomfort.
Immediately visit the dental clinic to check. Adjust and repair
If there is any part that falls off, please keep it and give it to the doctor to avoid the loss. Most can be reassembled without buying expensive new ones.
Use a clean, non-sharp tool and carefully push the string into place.
4. When eating braces should be aware of what problems do not affect the braces?
Soft food use: During the first week after braces: use soft foods such as boiled foods, porridge, soups, milk ... to avoid damaging and deflecting or breaking braces. This can be maintained until you no longer feel uncomfortable or hurt by braces.
Keep in mind, avoid eating foods that are hard, crunchy or require a strong force to bite and chew such as popcorn, bones, hard candy ...
For hard and nutritious foods like apples or carrots, we can cut into small pieces before eating.
Limit sugars and starchy foods as they are more likely to produce acid, leading to cavities and gum disease. In particular, we should not eat gum during braces. Not only does it cause bad breath, it can also damage the steel wire, braces and braces.
Diet during braces should avoid sweet foods
5. Who needs braces? Are braces complicated?
It is usually prescribed for braces when the patient has dental and jaw defects such as:
Grown teeth crowded, jumbled or twisted
Teeth (open)
Teeth, upper jaw forward (also called chanting)
Teeth, the lower jaw put forward many (also called hamlets)
Braces are not a simple process, usually lasts about 2-3 years, so it requires the patient to stay strong, determined, visit on time, adhere to the process of treatment of dentists. Therefore, to achieve good results, it is necessary to ensure the following factors:
Full Data Collection:
Clinical examination, oral and external.
Get a sample of the jaw
X-ray photography
Analyze the data above to have a comprehensive and detailed treatment plan.
During the analysis, it is important to evaluate whether the patient is still in the growth and development stage to determine the appropriate preventive treatment.
In some cases patients may develop, may utilize the development of the orthosis to orthodontics without extraction or limiting the condition of orthopedic surgery later.
6. After the braces, if not care carefully, the teeth are back to the original position or not? How to care after braces?
After disassembling the patient's braces, it is important to note that until this point the bracing process is not complete, the braces must be maintained to stabilize the braces and avoid recurrence. in the original position), the time to wear the instrument remains at least 1 year.
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Hotline: 1900 56 5678
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