Should a little decay tooth be filled?
Question: Dear doctor, I am 21 years old, currently I have 3 teeth in the lower jaw is deep, no signs of pain but I see a small black hole formed in the teeth. Doctors can advise the child that tooth decay should be welding, fillings not?
(Thuy Dung - Dong Nai)
I have a broken and toothed door. What should I do?
Alo doctors: Questions about prevent cavities
Tooth decay should be the question of many people
Dear Thuy Dung, Thank you for your trust and your question, concern for us. Inquiries about tooth decay should go weld mild, fillings not yours, we will address the specific, detailed in the following article.
Tooth decay is a simple matter. However, in fact, cavities cause many complications and affect the health of the whole body.
Causes of tooth decay
Causes of tooth decay mainly due to bad oral hygiene, not thoroughly, sticky food on the teeth to create plaque, leading to the accumulation of bacteria on the tooth surface. The plaque is a favorable factor for the bacteria to grow and form deep holes.
For children, ages or snacks - foods rich in sugar and starch. Leftover food that attaches to teeth becomes fertile soil for bacteria to work. It is also the cause of children in Vietnam from about 6 to 8 years of age has a very high rate of decay, up to 85%.
Children who regularly eat snacks should easily lead to decay
Complications of tooth decay
Tooth decay is a bacterial process that affects the tooth structure, causing damage to the tooth surface. If not treated promptly, bacteria attack deeper into the crown, the structure of the tooth is severely invasive, leading to tooth decay and even permanent tooth loss. Tooth decay also creates infections in the oral cavity and becomes a "bridge" leading bacteria throughout the body. Tooth decay and untreated tooth decay will cause necrosis, complications of tooth abscess causing pain to the patient.
Tooth decay leads to weakened dental function, chronic pain, affecting diet and health. A child with decay will lead to laziness, malnutrition and other illnesses.
When the tooth persists, or the intensity of the pain increases, the pulp can become inflamed. It has to treat pulp, which is more expensive in terms of cost and time. In addition, when the tooth decay, the breath of the patient also bad odor and many other conditions, affect the psychological and personal life.
Tooth decay causes the structure of the tooth to be destroyed, affecting the ability to eat serious chewing
How do you get rid of tooth decay?
In cases where the tooth depth is not too serious, the welding, fillings is a solution to help restore as well as prevent bacteria to penetrate the tooth area. In your case, the worm is still light, the doctor will do the welding, fillings for you to prevent further decay. The doctor will numb and scrape damaged tissue, and then perform a sealing operation to seal the area that has been scraped off.
The earlier you fill your teeth, the better chance of preserving your tooth. If the teeth are too heavy, broken or inflammation, tooth roots... Then you have to remove the tooth.
How to prevent tooth decay?
Understand the preventive measures that will help you prevent early decay and keep your cavities from getting worse. Tooth decay is completely different from other parts of the body, which is not self-healing.
The best way to protect your own teeth is to:
Brush your teeth regularly at least 2 times a day, before going to bed and after waking up. If possible, after each meal, brush your teeth to remove leftovers
Brush your teeth thoroughly after using sugary foods
Rinse your mouth with salt water each day to get rid of the bacteria better
Get regular dental checkups to remove tartar and detect any dental disease as soon as possible. From there, the doctor will take measures to overcome, help you protect your teeth in the best way.
Scrub tartar helps to effectively prevent cavities
The technology of dental restoration is growing, contributing greatly to the dental industry of Vietnam. However, modern dentures how, still can not undertake chewing function as good as real teeth. Therefore, you must always emphasize the importance of preventing cavities for you as well as relatives.
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